The cases of Kenneth French and Charles Kinsey, included in the Stories section of this website, indicate how behaviors by autistic individuals can be misundertstood, with tragic results. This is why in recent years, autism groups across the nation have reached out to local police and law enforcement agencies to develop training for police officers in understanding autism and related behaviors. 

The link below to the training developed by a Bay Area police department discusses some of the misunderstood behaviors and how law enforcement might respond.

For more information on autism training for law enforcement, please reach out through our contact form.

Information for Law Enforcement (Autism Speaks; 2018)

A one-page guide put together by the charity Autism Speaks. There is a list of potential signs of autism to help police officers recognize when they are interacting with autistic individuals, as well as specific guidance on how to respond and recommendations for training programs.

Pathways to Justice™: Get the Facts (The Arc; 2015)

A two-page guide on autism and the criminal justice system, which includes facts such as “1 in 68 children has been identified with autism” and explains some relevant terminology, for example, “Do not mistake echolalia—repeating what you say—as rude behavior.”

Autism Risk & Safety Management (Dennis Debbaudt)

A wide range of resources from former private investigator Dennis Debbaudt. The website is aimed at law enforcement agencies who are considering providing training to their officers on how to deescalate interactions with autistic individuals.

SF police praised for autism training video (AASCEND; 2016)

Short clip of a news report on the autism training that the San Francisco Police Department now offers its staff, featuring interviews with experts, law enforcement officers and, most importantly, autistic individuals themselves.